Simple Way to Make Award-winning Curry Daging

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, If youre looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Curry Daging recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

 Curry Daging

Before you jump to Curry Daging recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Learn The Facts Regarding Superfoods.

Youre what you consume. This is so correct. As an example, meats including fowl have amino acids which are important as they could help to reconstruct muscle tissue. The same goes for all other foods, so it is vital that you dine correctly. Folks currently are consuming more superfoods as these foods are shown to enhance your health and provide you with plenty of vital nutrients. Do you know what superfoods actually are? In easy terminology, some food is good for us and many not so good. Antioxidants in nutritional food facilitates our immune system where harmful foods have little value and can make you fat. Superfoods, as youll have guessed, come under first-class foods.

In the end, the body wants the right nutritional foods to stay alive. You need protein to build and repair cells, carbohydrates to provide your system energy and fats to keep the body running right. Additionally, another essential part in all of this is water to drink. There are also other nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals which you need but are harder to get into your diet. A fatty acid that we now know more about is Omega-3 and it facilitates the fight against the harmful type of cholesterol. Superfoods are rich in many of those nutrients and one such food is salmon for its protein content together with the fatty acid, Omega-3. As we enter our later days, the operating of the mind can suffer and Omega-3 is usually beneficial for this. Numerous superfoods contain Omega-3 including nuts, seeds and several types of fish.

Superfoods are positively worth consuming as they give you lots of nutrients and health boosting vitamins that you could be otherwise not consume through your standard diet.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now lets go back to curry daging recipe. You can cook curry daging using 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to cook Curry Daging:

  1. Get 1 kg of daging lembu (potong dadu).
  2. Provide 2 of paket rempah curry daging.
  3. Use 4 of biji bawang merah(ditumbuk)*.
  4. Take 3 of ulas bawang putih(ditumbuk)*.
  5. Provide 1 of inci halia(ditumbuk)*.
  6. Get 2 of sudu besar cili giling.
  7. Get 2 of tangkai daun curry*.
  8. Provide 2 of kuntum bunga lawang*.
  9. Get 5 of biji buah pelaga*.
  10. Use 4 of biji bunga cengkih*.
  11. You need 1 of batang kulit kayu manis*.
  12. Prepare 1 of kotak/200ml santan.
  13. Use 2 of biji kentang (potong4).
  14. Take of Air secukupnya.
  15. Use of Garam gula secukup rasa.

Instructions to make Curry Daging:

  1. Sediakan bahan.
  2. Tumiskan bahan bertanda * sehingga keperangan.
  3. Masukkan cili giling dan rempah curry tumis sehingga terbit minyak.
  4. Masukkan daging gaul rata masukkan juga gula garam secukup rasa.
  5. Masukkan air,santan dan ubi kentang biarkan mendidih sehingga daging masak dan kentang empuk,siap...

If you find this Curry Daging recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.
