How to Make Super Quick Homemade Katla fish spicy curry (KATLA maacher tel jhal)

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, if youre looking for Katla fish spicy curry (KATLA maacher tel jhal) recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Katla fish spicy curry (KATLA maacher tel jhal) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Katla fish spicy curry (KATLA maacher tel jhal)

Before you jump to Katla fish spicy curry (KATLA maacher tel jhal) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Are Superfoods Really As Good quality As Theyre Made Out To Be?.

Youre what you eat. Quite literally, you are. If you consume some poultry that bird will be broken down and the amino acids are going to be used to restore cells and create muscle. So be cautious with the meals you consume as it could really produce a difference. Knowledge of how our diet effects our health and the nourishment we need has led to more people eating superfoods. But what precisely are superfoods? In straightforward terminology, some food is superior for us and some not so helpful. Antioxidants in nutritional food facilitates our immune system where unhealthy foods have little value and could make you fat. As you can guess, superfoods are viewed as the best form of food.

Your body needs a minimum quantity of vitamins every day, if not youll wind up underfed. You need protein to develop and mend cells, carbohydrates to offer your body energy and fats to keep the body running right. You also need water, which is probably the most vital of the lot. The correct level of minerals and vitamins can be significant although not at all times simple to attain, in addition to some other types of nutrient. A fatty acid that we now know more about is Omega-3 and it facilitates the fight against the harmful type of cholesterol. Superfoods are rich in many of these nutrients and one such food is salmon because of its protein content along with the fatty acid, Omega-3. As we enter our later years, the working of the human brain can suffer and Omega-3 is usually effective for this. You can get Omega-3 in lots of fish, nuts and seeds, a lot of which can be classed as superfoods.

It now seems to be an excellent time to begin ingesting some superfoods to have the healthy positives of all the minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients they contain.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now lets go back to katla fish spicy curry (katla maacher tel jhal) recipe. To cook katla fish spicy curry (katla maacher tel jhal) you only need 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to prepare Katla fish spicy curry (KATLA maacher tel jhal):

  1. You need 2 pieces of KATLA fish.
  2. Use 2-3 tbsp of Onion,tomato,ginger and chilli paste.
  3. Get 1 tbsp of cumin powder.
  4. Prepare 1/2 tbsp of turmeric powder.
  5. Prepare 1 tbsp of chilli powder.
  6. Prepare Bunch of coriander leaves.
  7. You need 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds.
  8. Use 3-4 tbsp of mustard oil.

Steps to make Katla fish spicy curry (KATLA maacher tel jhal):

  1. Wash the fish and marinate it with turmeric and salt. Keep aside for 10 mins. Now take a pan, add oil to it and now fry the fish in the meantime, make a fine paste of ginger, onion tomato, and green chilli..
  2. In the same oil, add cumin seeds and add the paste in it fry them till the raw smell of all the vegetables disappears. Now add the dry masalas and cook them for 7 mins..
  3. Now add the fried fish in it and mix them properly and cook for 7 mins. Now add the coriander leaves in it..

If you find this Katla fish spicy curry (KATLA maacher tel jhal) recipe useful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.
